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Privacy Policy for the services (“the Services”)

Your privacy is important to us and we aim to ensure that your personal privacy is protected throughout your use of the Services.

We collect and store any information you upload or provide to us while using the Services. The type of personal information we may collect is information that can be personally identifiable to you (“Personal Information”) and includes your name, email address, phone number and date of birth. Our servers automatically receive and record your information from your mobile device or browser when you use the Services. Your location is obtained through the relevant applicable functions in your mobile device that allows for such location tracking. We use this Personal Information to allow you access to the Services and to customize your use of the Services.

Non Personal Information may also be collected by us via our servers automatically receiving and recoding the same when you use the Services. This includes information pertaining to your location, IP address, mobile carrier and information you have requested for pursuant to the Services. These types of information are information which is not personally identifiable to you.

We record and store information that we receive in relation to your use of the Services from third party service providers who support us in connection with the Services. If you use the Services with another application or share your activities while using the Services with any other application or service, we may use such information to facilitate your use of the Services. In the event you use other applications or services with the Services, please ensure that you read the privacy policies of such applications or services. We may also obtain information about you through parties and partners we work with on the Services.

Any information we collect from you through these methods is to ensure that you are able to use the Services. Should you not wish for your information to be collected in the manners set out herewith, you may not be able to use the Services to its fullest capabilities.

We will not share your Personal Information with any other party except to provide you with the Services unless we have your permission or unless set out herein.

We use your Personal Information for the purposes set out herein, which includes, the following:-

  • We may also share your Personal Information with our partners who provide us with support pertaining to the Services.

  • We use Non-Personal Information to enhance and develop the Services and improve its features. We may also share this information with our partners and third party service providers to allow us to deliver customized and tailored promotions and advertisements to you when you use the Services.

  • We may share Non-Personal Information with third parties which does not disclose your Personal Information, nor be reasonably likely to allow you to be personally identified, for analysis of industry trends, demographic profiling and other similar purposes. This information (in an aggregated format) will be shared with our partners so that we are able to tweak the Services further to fit your needs.

  • We may engage partners, agents and third parties assist us in performing certain services related to the Services including but not limited to services to improve the Services or to assist us in analyzing how the Services are used. Our partners, agents or service providers may have access to your Personal Information but only to perform specific tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.

  • You may update or amend your Personal Information by informing us that you wish to do so.

  • We have in place security measures designed to protect your information from any unauthorized access and exposure.

  • If we are required under the law to disclose any information collected pursuant to the Services, we will do so accordingly and will inform you accordingly.

  • We may, transfer and maintain your information on servers that may be located outside your state, country or jurisdiction where the privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your jurisdiction. The terms of this Privacy Policy will, to the extent allowed by such laws, be applicable to you in those states, countries or jurisdictions.

  • The Services may contain links to other sites including sites third party external services or websites of our other partners or advertisers for information or functionality or services. If you choose to visit such sites by clicking on any advertisement, service or banner for the same on the Services, including any third party link, you will be directed to that party’s resources. We do not endorse nor authorise the content nor services provided by such parties. The fact that we may provide a link to a third party's services, functionality, or website, or present a banner ad or other type of advertisement, is not an endorsement, authorization or representation of our affiliation with that third party, nor is it an endorsement of their privacy or information security policies or practices and we have no control in any manner over the said policies. Our Privacy Policy only applies to the Services and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other websites.

  • By using any part of the Services, you agree to the current Privacy Policy and Terms of Use of the Services. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify, amend, alter, discontinue, or terminate any or all of the Services or to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, without notice to you. Any modifications will be effective immediately as of the date the modified Privacy Policy is posted on the Services website or uploaded on the Services application. By continuing to access or use the Services after we have posted a modification, you are indicating that you agree to be bound by the modified Privacy Policy. If the modified Privacy Policy is not acceptable to you, please stop using the Services.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at 03-8075 4933 or by email:

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